Bibliography 2013


Álvarez, Israel Nicasio: Soledad y política en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt. In: Logos: Revista de Filosofía, Vol. 41, Nº. 122, 2013, págs. 101-111.

Alves Aguiar, Odílio: Injustiça e Banalidade do Mal em Hannah Arendt, em: José Henrique Sousa Assai, Ricardo George de Araújo Silva, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia (eds.): Filosofia Política - Emancipação e Espaço Público, Curitiba 2013, Capítulo II

Araújo Silva, Ricardo George de: Totalitarismo e Política em Hannah Arendt, em: José Henrique Sousa Assai, Ricardo George de Araújo Silva, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia (eds.): Filosofia Política - Emancipação e Espaço Público, Curitiba 2013, Capítulo V

Assheuer, Thomas: Kino - Margarethe von Trottas Film über Hannah Arendt, in: Die Zeit, Bd. 68, 2013, 3, S. 48-49.

Ayyash, Mark Muhannad: The paradox of political violence, in: European Journal of Social Theory, August 2013; vol. 16, 3: pp. 342-356.


Baehr, Peter: Debating Totalitarianism: an Exchange. Letters between Hannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin. With an introduction. In: History and Theory, 51, October 2012, 364-380.

Balzer, Tanja: Wolfgang Heuer, Bernd Heiter, Stefanie Rosenmüller (Hg.) Arendt Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung, in: Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, Bd. 66, 2013, 4, S. 130-134.

Bastos, Laura: A reaproximação política entre a Turquia e a Arménia segundo o pensamento de Hannah Arendt, em: Relacões Internacionais, Lisboa, 40(Dec 2013): 197-207.

Bernauer, James: Hallucinating Heidegger: Reflections from Hannah Arendt’s thought, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism, November 2013; vol. 39, 9: pp. 877-883.

Birmingham, Peg: Heidegger and Arendt. The Lawful Space of Worldly Appearance , in: François Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds): The Bloomsbury Companion To Heidegger, Bloomsbury Academic 2013, pp.  157-164.

Borren, Marieke: 'Feminism as Revolutionary Practice. From Justice and the Politics of Recognition to Freedom' ('Justice, the Politics of Recognition, and Identity Politics'), in: Hypatia. A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Vol. 28/1, 2013, pp. 197-214.

Borren Marieke: ‘A Sense of the World’: Hannah Arendt’s Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Common Sense, in: International Journal of Philosophical Studies. Vol. 21, no. 2, 2013, pp. 225-255.

Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013.

Botbom, Mylène: Au-delà de l'arrachement et de l'évasion de l'Être: Levinas et Arendt. La capacité de Natlité comme ex-position au temps, in: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 47-75..

Bowring, Finn: Hannah Arendt: A Critical Introduction, Pluto Press 2013.

Bradshaw, Lea: How thinking saves us, in: Teaching in an Age of Ideology, ed. by Lee Trepanier and John von Heyking, Lexington Books 2013, pp. 27-42.

Brito, Fausto: A Ruptura Dos Direitos Humanos Na Filosofia Política de Hannah Arendt. In: Kriterion (2013), 54 (127): 177-196.

Brodocz, André: Max Webers Spiegelkabinett der Macht. Zum Machtbegriff Hannah Arendts. In: Brodocz, André/Hammer, Stefanie (Hrsg.), 2013: Variationen der Macht. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 9-24.


Calcagno, Antonio: The Desire for and Plasure of Evil: The Augustinian Limitations of Arendtian Mind, in: The Heythrop Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, January 2013, pp. 89–100.

Campillo, Neus: Hannah Arendt: lo filosófico y lo político, Valencia 2013.

Cassin, Barbara: La nostalgie: Quand donc est-on chez soi? Ulysse, Enée, Arendt, Paris: Editions Autrement 2013.

Chacón, Rodrigo: Arendt's Denktagebuch, 1950–1973: An Unwritten Ethics for the Human Condition? In: History of European Ideas, Volume 39, Issue 4,  2013 , pp. 561-582.

Champlin, Jeffrey: Born Again: Arendt's “Natality” as Figure and Concept, in: The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, Volume 88, Issue 2, April 2013, pp. 150-164.

Charbonneau, François: Comment lire Essai sur la révolution d’Hannah Arendt? En: Revue de philosophie politique de l’ULg, N°5, Mai 2013, p. 144-170.

CHEN, Jian-bin; LI, Sheng-hui: Comparison on Political Concept between Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt. In: Journal of Hunan College of Finance and Economics, 2013, Issue 1, pp. 25-30.

Coelho, Maria Francisca Pinheiro: Amor Mundi e o Conceito de 'Vocação Política' em Hannah Arendt", in: Anais VII  Encontro Hannah Arendt: Por Amor ao Mundo, Brazil 2013, p. 201-213.

Coelho, Maria Francisca Pinheiro: Hannah Arendt: A Atualidade de Origens do Totalitarismo, in: Schio, Sônia Maria; Kuskoski, Matheus Soares (Org.): Hannah Arendt: pluralidade, mundo e política. 1 ed. Porto Alegre: Observatório Gráfico, 2013, p. 19-32.

Colatrella, Steven: Collective Housekeeping and the Revenge of the Oikos: Against Hannah Arendt on Democracy, Work and the Welfare State, in: International Critical Thought, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2013, pp. 444-467.

Correia, Adriano: Hannah Arendt e o Fim da Tradição: na Esteira de Nietzsche, em: José Henrique Sousa Assai, Ricardo George de Araújo Silva, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia (eds.): Filosofia Política - Emancipação e Espaço Público, Curitiba 2013, Capítulo I

Curthoys, Ned: The Legacy of Liberal Judaism: Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt's Hidden Conversation, Oxford/New York 2013.


DIAN, Dian: On Hannah Arendt's Study of Karl Marx. In: Journal of Hainan Normal University (Social Sciences), 2013, Issue 5, pp. 51-60.

Dikeç, Mustafa: Beginners and equals: political subjectivity in Arendt and Rancière, in: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 38, Issue 1,  January 2013, pp. 78–90.

Dubow, Jessica /Richard D. Steadman-Jones: Linguistic cosmopolitans: Arendt, Čapek, Orwell, in: Journal of European Studies, June 2013; vol. 43, 2: pp. 119-140.


Ezquerra Gómez, Jesús: Vida, inmanecia y democracia spinoziana, en: Dilemata, Nº. 12, 2013 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Debate: Biopolítica y Democracia), págs. 47-61.


Fátima Lobo, María: A ciencuenta años del "Eichmann en Jerusalén" de Hannah Arendt, en: Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas, Nº. 5, 2013, págs. 43-62.

Frank, Stefanie Mathilde: Biopics und Zeitgeschichte: Der Film Hannah Arendt von Margarethe von Trotta, in: Die politische Meinung, Bd. 58, 2013, S. 118-121.

Fuster, Ángela Lorena: Sin prejuicio ni sentimentalismo. Hannah Arendt, lectora de Simone Weil, en: Lectoras de Simone Weil, Fina Birulés y Rosa Rius Gatell (eds.), Barcelona 2013, págs. 29-50.


Gallas, Elisabeth: Hannah Arendt. Rückkehr im Schreiben, in: "Ich staune, dass Sie in dieser Luft atmen können". Jüdische Intellektuelle in Deutschland nach 1945, hrsg. von Monika Boll und Raphael Gross, Framnkfurt a. M. 2013, S. 233-263.

Geddes, Jennifer L.: Theaters of Justice: Judging, Staging, and Working Through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo by Yasco Horsman (review), in: Comparative literature studies, Bd. 50, 2013, 4, pp. 720-723.

Green, Sharon R.: Hannah Arendt, evil and the eradication of thought. In: Journal of Analytical Psychology, 58 (2013): 563–566.


Hansen, Phillip: Hannah Arendt: Politics, History and Citizenship, Wiley 2013.

Haro, Agustín Serrano de: Guía del diálogo Arendt, W. Heuer, B. Heiter, St. Rosenmüller, Arendt Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung, in: Isegoría: revista de filosofía moral y política, 2013, 48, p. 326-327.

Hart, Mechthild: Laboring and Hanging Out in the Embodied In-Between. In: Hypatia 28 (1) (2013), pp. 49-68.

Holman, Christopher: Politics as Radical Creation: Herbert Marcuse and Hannah Arendt on Political Performativity, Toronto 2013.


Irwin, Christopher: Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics, in: The European legacy : toward new paradigms, Vol. 18, 2013, 6, pp. 780-782.


Jackson, Michael: The Politics of Storytelling: Variations on a Theme by Hannah Arendt (Museum Tusculanum Press - Critical Anthropology), 2013.

Jacobson, Eric: Why did Hannah Arendt Reject the Partition of Palestine? In: Journal for Cultural Research, Volume 17, Issue 4, December 2013, pp. 358-381.

JIA, Li-min: The Implications of Marx's “Labour Liberation” - A Reply to the Major Misunderstanding of Arendt. In: Teaching and Research, 2013, Issue 7, pp. 40-45.

Jiménez Díaz, José Francisco: La propuesta de ciudadanía democrática en Hannah Arendt, en: Política y Sociedad, Vol 50, 2013, No 3.

Jones, Kathleen B: Diving for Pearls: A Thinking Journey with Hannah Arendt. Kindle edition by Katheen B. Jones, 2013.


Kalb, Peter: Schwer erreichbare Eltern: Pädagogische Meditationen mit Hannah Arendt, 2013.

Kang, Taran: Origin and Essence: The Problem of History in Hannah Arendt. In: Journal of the History of Ideas, 74/1, January 2013, pp. 139-160.

Kattago, Siobhan: Why the World Matters: Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy of New Beginnings, in: The European Legacy. Vol. 18, no. 2, 2013, pp. 170-184.

Keller Hirsch, Alexander: The Promise of the Unforgiven: Violence, Power and Paradox in Arendt. In: Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (1), 2013, pp. 45-61.

King, Richard H.: Hannah Arendt and American Loneliness, in: Society, Bd. 50, 2013, 1 (Jan.), pp. 36-40.

Kiess, John: PT Hannah Arendt and Theology, Continuum T & T Clark, 2013.

Kolebka, Héloïse: Festival de pessac - Hannah Arendt, superstar, en: L' histoire, 2013, 383, p. 18-19.


La Torre, Massimo: Hannah Arendt and the Concept of Law. Against the Tradition, in: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Bd. 99, 2013, 3, S. 400-416.

Legros, Robert: L'idée du proprement humain selon Arendt et Levinas, en: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 123-146.

Leibovici, Martine: Liberté justifiée et juste pluralité, en: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 25-46.

Le Ny, Marc: Hannah Arendt. Le temps politique des hommes (le temps comme dimension de la phénoménologie existentielle et politique), Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, préface de Martine Leibovici et Etienne Tassin.

LI, Hecheng: Arendt’s Aesthetics of the Political and Its Modern Politico-Philosophical Implications. In: Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, School of Literature at Northwest Normal University, 2013, Issue 2, pp. 200-209.

Lilla, Mark: Hannah Arendt: Her Thought Changed the World edited by Martin Wiebel, with a foreword - by Franziska Augstein, in: The New York Review of Books, Vol. 60, 2013, 18, pp. 35-44.

LIU, Ying; HAN, Qiuhong: Hannah Arendt's Reality Truly in Public Realm. In: Beijing shehui kexue 2013, 5.

Lobo, María Fátima: A ciencuenta años del "Eichmann en Jerusalén" de Hannah Arendt. En: Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas, Nº. 5, 2013, págs. 43-62.

Lobo, María Fátima: Hannah Arendt y la pregunta por la relación entre el pensamiento y la acción, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2013.

Locke, Jill: Little Rock's Social Question: Reading Arendt on School Desegregation and Social Climbing, in: Political Theory, 41, 2013, 4, pp. 533-561.

LU, Chun-ying: Discussion on Modern Identity Politics from the View of Heterogeneity - by Analyzing the Divergence on Zionism between Isaiah Berlin and Hannah Arendt as a Case. In: Seeking Truth, 2013, Issue 4, pp. 39-46.


Madrid, Nuria Sánchez: Crisis del Estado-nación y dialéctica de los derechos humanos en Hannah Arendt. El totalitarismo como colapso de las formas políticas, in: Isegoría: revista de filosofía moral y política, 2013, 49, p. 481-508.

Marder, Michael: Natality, Event, Revolution: The Political Phenomenology of Hannah Arendt, in: British Society for Phenomenology, Vol. 44, 2013, 3, pp. 302-320.

Maslin, Kimberly: The Gender-Neutral Feminism of Hannah Arendt, in: Hypatia, Volume 28, Issue 3, Summer 2013, pp. 585–601.

Matzner, Tobias: Vita variabilis. Handelnde und ihre Welt nach Hannah Arendt und Ludwig Wittgenstein, Würzburg 2013.

Mendelsohn, Ezra; Hoffman, Stefani;Cohen, Richard I. (ed.): Against the grain: Jewish intellectuals in hard times, New York 2013.

Mönig, Julia Maria: Possibly Preventing Catastrophes: Hannah Arendt on Democracy, Education and Judging. In: Ethics and Education 7 (3) 2013, pp. 237 - 249.

Moran, Shane: Politics in dark times: reflections on Hannah Arendt, in: South African Journal of Political Studies. Vol. 40, no. 2, 2013, pp. 277-297.

Moses, A. Dirk: Das römische Gespräch in a New Key: Hannah Arendt, Genocide, and the Defense of Republican Civilization, in: Journal of Modern History, 85:4 (2013), 867-913.


Nicasio Alvarez, Israel: Soledad y política en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt, in: Logos: revista cuatrimestral de filosofía, Bd. 41, 2013, 122, p. 101-111.

Noemi, Tatjana: Wille und Passion: Der Liebesbegriff bei Heidegger und Arendt, Berlin 2013.

Norberg, Jakob: The banality of narrative: Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, in: Textual Practice. Vol. 27, no. 5, 2013, pp. 43-761.


O'Connor, Cara: Arendt, Jaspers, and the Politicized Physicists, in: Constellations, Volume 20, Issue 1, March 2013, pp. 102–120.

O'Donnell, Aislinn: Thinking-in-Concert. In: Ethics and Education 7 (3) 2013, pp. 261 - 275.

Oeftering, Tobias: Das Politische als Kern der politischen Bildung, Schwalbach/Ts. 2013.

Oliveira, Cícero Silva: A soberania do econômico nas reflexões de Hannah Arendt E Zygmunt Bauman. En: Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia (2013), 18 (1):11-39.

Oliveira, José Luiz de: Fundação do Corpo Político e Constituição no Pensamento de Hannah Arendt, em: José Henrique Sousa Assai, Ricardo George de Araújo Silva, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia (eds.): Filosofia Política - Emancipação e Espaço Público, Curitiba 2013, Capítulo III


Papa, Alessandra : Tecnificación del nacimiento y vida frozen. La categoría filosófica de natality de Hanna Arendt, en: Medicina y ética: Revista internacional de bioética, deontología y ética médica, Vol. 24, Nº. 1, 2013, págs. 105-133.

Parekh, Serena: Hannah Arendt and Global Justice. In: Philosophy Compass 8 (2013), (9):771-780.

Parekh, Serena: Reconciling with Heidegger: Friendship, disappointment and love in the wake of the controversy, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism, November 2013; vol. 39, 9: pp. 885-892.

Paula, Marcio Gimenes de: Entre a religião e a política : Hannah Arendt, leitora de Kierkegaard, em: Educação e filosofia, Bd. 27, 2013, 53, p. 161-175.

Phillips, James: Between the Tyranny of Opinion and the Despotism of Rational Truth: Arendt on Facts and Acting in Concert, New German critique, Bd. 40, 2013, 2, 119, pp. 97-112.

Piterberg, Gabriel: Public Intellectuals and Conscious Pariahs: Hannah Arendt, Edward Said and a Common State in Palestine-Israel, in: Holy Land studies: a multidisciplinary journal, Vol. 12, 2013, 2, pp. 141-159. 

Pommier, Eric: Éthique et politique chez Hans Jonas et Hannah Arendt. En: Revue de metaphysique et de morale, Nº 2, 2013, págs. 271-285.

Porcel, Beatriz: La importancia de un pensamiento sobre el mundo: una relectura de el concepto de amor en San Agustín de Hannah Arendt, in: VII Encontro Hannah Arendt: Por Amor ao Mundo, Brazil 2013, p. 22-32.

Proietti, F.:Amicizia e politica in alcuni scritti di Hannah Arendt, in: Il pensiero politico, 46, 2013, 1, p. 100-106.


Quinto, Manuel, Carlos Eymar: La vigencia de Hannah Arendt. En: El Ciervo: revista mensual de pensamiento y cultura, Nº. 743, 2013, págs. 30-31.


Rauschenbach, Brigitte: Barbara Holland-Cunz, Gefährdete Freiheit. Über Hannah Arendt und Simone de Beauvoir, Femina politica, Bd. 22, 2013, 2, S. 174-175.

Redecker, Eva von: Gravitation zum Guten. Hannah Arendts Moralphilosophie, Berlin 2013.

Rösch, Felix: Realism as social criticism: The thinking partnership of Hannah Arendt and Hans Morgenthau, in: International Politics, 2013, Vol. 50; no. 6; p. 815-829.

Rosenmüller, Stefanie: Der Ort des Rechts. Gemeinsinn und richterliches Urteilen nach Hannah Arendt, Baden-Baden 2013.

Roviello, Anne-Marie: H. Arendt et E. Levinas,des humanistes de l'autre homme, in: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 147-162.


Saint-Germain, Pierre: Correspondances - Hannah Arendt et Gershom Scholem, in: La quinzaine littéraire, 2013, 1075, p. 24.

Saussy, Haun: The Refugee Speaks of Parvenus and Their Beautiful Illusions: A Rediscovered 1934 Text by Hannah Arendt, in: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Autumn 2013), pp. 1-14.

Schiff, Jacob: The varieties of thoughtlessness and the limits of thinking, in: European Journal of Political Theory, April 2013; vol. 12, 2: pp. 99-115.

Schulze Wessel, Julia; Volk, Christian; Salzborn, Samuel (Hg.): Ambivalenzen der Ordnung. Der Staat im Denken Hannah Arendts, Heidelberg 2013.

SHI, Jifeng: Regression of the Private——On Hannah Arendt's Theory about the Private Sphere. In: Huazhong shifan daxue yanjiushen xuebao 2013, 4.

Sigwart, Hans-Jörg: Tradition and the Experience of Citizenship: Political Hermeneutics in Hans-Georg Gadamer, John Dewey and Hannah Arendt, in: Anamnesis 3/1 (2013), S. 7-40.

Sindic, Denis: Arendt and the politics of theory and practice: Beyond ivory towers and philosopher-kings, in: Theory & psychology, Bd. 23, 2013, 4, pp. 499-517.

Sousa Assai, José Henrique, Ricardo George de Araújo Silva, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia (eds.): Filosofia Política - Emancipação e Espaço Público, Curitiba 2013.

Sousa González, Eduardo: El espacio público. Una visión interpretativa desde la posición de Jürgen Habermas y Hannah Arendt. En: La ciudad, un espacio para la vida: miradas y enfoques desde la experiencia espacial / coord. por Diego Sánchez González, Carmen Egea Jiménez, 2013, págs. 43-58.

Starkman Ruth: ‘For the Honor and Glory of the Jewish People‘: Arendt’s Ambivalent Jewish Nationhood, in: The European Legacy, vol. 18, no. 2, 2013, pp. 185-196.

Starkman, Ruth: The concept of brotherhood: beyond Arendt and the Muslim Brotherhood. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) 16.5 (Dec 2013): 595-613.

Suave, Aline Laureano: Educação e política: educar para garantir o espaço da política, em: Anais VII Encontro Hannah Arendt: Por Amor ao Mundo, Brazil 2013, p. 9-21.

Swift, Simon: Hannah Arendt, violence and vitality, in: European Journal of Social Theory, August 2013; vol. 16, 3: pp. 357-376.


Tamboukou, Maria: Love, Narratives, Politics: Encounters between Hannah Arendt and Rosa Luxemburg, in: Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 30/1, 2013, pp. 35-56.

TAN, Qinghua: On Karl Marx's Public Concept - Based on a Comparison Perspective from Hannah Arendt, Juergen (sic) Habermas and John Rawls. In: Zhongguo renmin daxue xuebao 2013, 3.

Tatman, Lucy: Arendt and Augustine: More Than One Kind of Love, in: Sophia, Vol. 52, 2013, no. 4; pp. 625-635.

Tömmel, Tatjana Noemi: Wille und Passion. Der Liebesbegriff bei Heidegger und Arendt, Berlin 2013.

Tokarzewska, Monika:Die Kategorie des Anfangs bei Fichte, Schelling, Novalis und Arendt, in: Romantik. Mythos und Moderne, Ulrich Wergin und Timo Ogrzal (Hg.), Würzburg 2013, S. 95-109.

Tonaki, Yotetsu: Au-delà du monde ou souci du monde: croisements de l'éthique d'Emmanuel Levinas et du politique fe Hannah Arendt, en: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 77-93.

Topolski, Anya: Les Droits de l'Homme au delà de L'Être: À la recherche d'un sens post-fondationniste chez Arendt et Levinas, en: Botbom, Mylène / Anne-Marie Roviello (eds.): Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendtc face à l'histoire, Paris 2013, pp. 163-187.

Topolski, Anya: Power, Peace and the Political: Arendt’s Alternative to Perpetual Peace, in: Peace Studies Journal,  6/3, July 2013.

Topolski, Anya: Hannah Arendt en Kinderrechten: Het recht om niet te hoeven vechten voor je rechten. Kind, Recht en Filosofie. Ed. J.H. de Graaf. Ars Aequi Libri. Centrum van de rechten van het Kind van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2013.


Urabayen, Julia: La guerra y el mal en la obra de Hannah Arendt, en: La cólera de occidente: Perspectivas filosóficas sobre la guerra y la paz / coord. por Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz, 2013, págs. 135-173.


Vanneste, Luc: Denken. Het leven van de geest (Hannah Arendt), in: Samenleving en politiek, Bd. 20, 2013, 1, S. 94-95.

Vaulx, Guillaume de: Apprendre à philosopher avec Arendt, Paris 2013.

Veck, Wayne: Participation in Education as an Invitation to Become Towards the World: Hannah Arendt on the authority, thoughtfulness and imagination of the educator, in: Educational philosophy and theory, Bd. 45, 2013, 1, pp. 36-48.

Voice, Paul: Consuming the World: Hannah Arendt on Politics and the Environment, in: Journal of International Political Theory, October 2013, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 178-193.

Volk, Christia: Hannah Arendt und die Kritik der Macht, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Bd. 61, 2013, 4, S. 505-528.

VV.AA: Hannah Arendt: Ihr Denken veränderte die Welt. Das Buch zum Film von Margarethe von Trotta, München 2013.


WANG, Da-peng: Reflection on the Political Philosophy Thought of Hannah Arendt. In: Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education, 2013, Issue 5, pp. 170-172.

Weidenfeld, Matthew C.: Visions of Judgment: Arendt, Kant, and the Misreading of Judgment, in: Political Research Quarterly, June 2013; vol. 66, 2: pp. 254-266.

Weigel, Sigrid: Zur Gegenwärtigkeit von Arendts und Benjamins Denken nach der Postmoderne. In: Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály u. a.(Hg.): Der Ausnahmezustand als Regel. Eine Bilanz der Kritischen Theorie. Weimar 2013, S. 225–240.

Weir, Patrick: The Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza, in: Space and Polity, Volume 17, Issue 2, August 2013, pp. 254-257.

Weisman, Tama: Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx: On Totalitarianism and the Tradition of Western Political Thought, Lanham 2013.

Whitehall, Deborah: A Sea-Change for (International) Legal Theory, in: The Modern Law Review, Volume 76, Issue 4, July 2013, pp. 757–777.


YU, Qi: Arendt Reexamined: Zizek's Critique and Dilemma. In: Guowai wenxue 2013, 3.


ZHANG, Jing: Rescue Action - Based on the Speculation on Arendt's Political Philosophy. In: Qiqiha'er daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 2013, 5.

ZHANG, Yan: A Way Out of the Sieyès's Vicious Circle: An Illumination of the Legitimacy of the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention by Hannah Arendt. In: Journal of Tongji University (Social Science Section), 2013, Issue 2, pp. 77-82.

ZHANG, Yan: The Aporia of Vicious Circle in the Political Beginning - A Study of Hannah Arendt's Thought on the Foundation of Polity. In: Zhengzhi sixiang shi 2013, 2.

ZHONG, Wensheng; CHENG, Yan: Hannah Arendt's Theory of Action and the Political Implication. In: Ha'erbin xueyuan xuebao 2013, 2.

ZHONG, Wensheng; CHENG, Yan: Political Action is an Innovative Paradigm to Understand Education - In Hannah Arendt's Perspective. In: Zhengzhou hangkong gongye guanli xueyuan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2013, 5.