Bibliography 2012


Alexander, James: Three Rival Views of Tradition (Arendt, Oakeshott and MacIntyre) in: Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (1), 2012, 20-43.

Alloggio, Sergio / Kylie Thomas: Forgetting Responsibility: Hannah Arendt and the work of (undoing) phychic resistance post-apartheid in: New beginnings: Argentina & South Africa, edited by Claudia Hilb & Philippe-Joseph Salazar, AfricaRhetoric Publishing, 2012, p. 119-130.

Alonso Rocafort, Víctor: Lo que Hannah Arendt llamaba democracia, in: La buena democracia: claves de su calidad / coord. por Antonio Robles Egea, Ramón Arturo Vargas-Machuca Ortega, 2012, págs. 175-202.

Alves Aguiar, Odílio: A recepçao biopolítica da obra de Hannah Arendt, in: Conjectura: filosofia e educação, Vol. 17, Nº. 1, 2012, págs. 139-158.

Arnett, Ronald C.: Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt's Rhetoric of Warning and Hope, Carbondale, IL 2012.

Aschheim, Steven E., Victor Klemperer: An Unwritten Letter from Victor Klemperer to Hannah Arendt and Gerhard Scholem, in: New German Critique, No. 117, Special Issue for Anson Rabinbach (FALL 2012), pp. 9-24.

Assy, Bethania: A moldura de uma existência cosmopolitca: cultivo de sentimentos públicos, in: Revista Direito e Práxis, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2012), pgs. 53-73.

Auer, Dirk: Theorists in Exile: Adonro’s and Arent’s Reflections on the Place of the Intellectual, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 229-246.


Bacci, Claudia: Lecturas al sesgo sobre violencia y política, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012., págs. 145-158.

BAI, Gang: The Commentary on Arendt's Political Philosophy. In: Gaojiao sheke dongtai 2012, 5.

Barbour Charles: Between Politics and Law: Hannah Arendt and the Subject of Rights, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 307-320.

Barros, Halanne Fontenele: A esfera social E o homem de Massa. In: Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia (2012), 3 (6):27-34.

Ben, Jieming Shihuaci / Zhang Fang: The Religion of Politics, Reflections on the Thought of Hannah Arendt, in: Modern Philosophy, 2012, Issue 6, pp. 28-41.

Benhabib, Seyla: Arendt and Adorno: The Elusiveness of the Particular and the Benjaminian Moment, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 31-55.

Benhabib, Seyla: International Law and Human Plurality in the Shadow of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt and Raphael Lemkin, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 191-214.

Berkowitz, Roger: Human Being in an Inhuman Age, in: HA - The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, 2012, pp. 112-121.

Berkowitz, Roger: To Think What We Are Doing, In: HA - The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, 2012, pp. 169-170.

Bernstein, J.M.: Political Modernism: The New, Revolution and Civil Disobedience in Arendt and Adorno, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 56-77.

Besson, Samantha: The Right to Have Rights: From Human Rights to Citizens’ Rights and Back, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 335-356.

Bilsky, Leora: Hannah Arendt’s Judgement of Bureaucracy, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 271-290.

Birmingham, Peg: Why Are We So Matter of Fact about the Facts? In: HA - The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, 2012, 65-80.

Bluhm, Harald: Hannah Arendt und das Problem der Kreativität politischen Handelns. In: Weißeno, Georg (Hg.): Politisch handeln. Modelle, Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzen, Bonn 2012, S. 90-105.

Bohman, James: Citizens and Persons: Legal Status and Human Rights in Hannah Arendt, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 321-334.

Borren, Marieke: ‘Hannah Arendt’ in: Ceton, C. (red.), Vrouwelijke filosofen. Een historisch overzicht. Amsterdam: Atlas, 2012, pp. 393-399.

Bosoer, Valeria: El Juicio Segun Arendt: Su Aporte a la reflexion sobre pasados edited by Claudia Hilb & Philippe-Joseph Salazar. AfricaRhetoric Publishing, 2012, p. 107-118.

Bowring, Finn: Perplexed, Suspicious and Committed: Sociology in the Company of Arendt, in: Sociology. The Journal of the British Sociological Association, Bd. 46, 2012, 2, pp. 373-379.

Breen, Keith: Under Weber's Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and Macintyre, Surrey 2012.

Breen, Keith: Law beyond Command? An Evaluation of Arendt’s Understanding of Law, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 15-34.

Breier, Karl-Heinz: Hannah Arendt interkulturell gelesen (Interkulturelle Bibliothek). Kindle Edition 2012.

Breier, Karl-Heinz / Gantschow, Alexander (Hg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung: Zum Staatsverständnis von Hannah Arendt, Baden-Baden 2012.

Breier, Karl-Heinz / Evelyn Temme: Revolution und Bürgerordnung, in: Karl-Heinz Breier / Alexander Gantschow (Hrsg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung, Baden-Baden 2012, S. 161-186.

Brudny, Michèle-Irène: Hannah Arendt et la question juive. Une publication posthume, in: Commentaire, Bd. 35, 2012, 138, p. 610-613.

Brunkhorst, Hauke: Power and the Rule of Law in Arendt’s Thought, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 215-228.

Buckler, Steve: Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition, Edinburgh 2012.


Castillo, Mery: Consideraciones sobre la violencia en Carl Schmitt y Hannah Arendt: condición y disolución de lo político, in: Logos 2012, 22: 37-54.

CHEN, Guo-zhan: On the Rise of Mass Media and the Fall of the Public Life: A Study on the Views of Arendt, Habermas and Sennett. In: Yinshan Academic Journal, 2012, Issue 6, pp. 60-65.

CHEN, Jianhong: Arendt's Interpretation of Hobbes's Political Philosophy. In: Yun'nan daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2012, 3.

Christodoulidis, Emilios / Andrew Schaap: Arendt’s Constitutional Question, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 101-116.

Collings, Matthew: Great Critics and Their Ideas - Hannah Arendt, in: The Scottish art review, 2012, pp. 58-59.

Constantinou, Marios: Outsourcing Empire, in: Third Text, Vol. 26, no. 6, 2012, pp. 631-648.

Correa, Bernardo: Perdón y libertad, in: Laura Quintana, Julio Vargas (eds.): Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria, Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia 2012, p. 121-130.

Correia, Adriano: Olvido, promesa, perdón: sobre la redención de los infortunios de la acción en Hannah Arendt y Friedrich Nietzsche, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 47-62.

Correia, Adriano: Hannah Arendt, Rio de Janeiro 2012.

Covington, Coline: Hannah Arendt, evil and the eradication of thought, in: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vo. 93/5, 2012, pp. 1215-1236.

Crépon, Marc: "Y nadie sabe aquí quién soy". La voz de los emigrantes: Hannah Arendt, Winfried Georg Sebald, Georges Perec, in: Revista Pléyade, Nº. 9, 2012, págs. 36-63.


Danoff, Brian: A School or a Stage? Tocqueville and Arendt on Politics and Education, in: Perspectives on Political Science, Bd. 41, 2012, 3, pp. 117-125.

Donner, Federico: Biopolítica, Totalitarismo e Individuación. Lecturas de Agamben ys ilencios de Foucault en torno a la obra de Arendt. En: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 101-117.

Douglas, Lawrence: Arendt in Jerusalem, Demjanjuk in Munich, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 291-304.

Dries, Christian: Die Welt als Vernichtungslager: Eine kritische Theorie der Moderne im Anschluss an Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt und Hans Jonas, Bielefeld 2012.

Duarte, André: Hannah Arendt y el pensamiento de la communidad: hacia el concepto de comunidades plurales, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 175-190.


Enkvist, Inger / Amparo Zacarés Pamblanco: La nueva pedagogía y Hannah Arendt, in: Debats, No. 114, 2012, págs. 50-59.

Esteban Ilivitzky, Matías: Orígenes de la biopolítica: tensiones entre Foucault y Arendt, in: Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de filosofía, política y humanidades, Nº 27, 2012, págs. 24-41.


FENG, Ting: The Path to the Banality of Evil. In: Shehui 2012, 1.

Fine, Robert: Debaiting Human Rights, Law, and Subjectivity: Arendt, Adorno, and Critical Theory, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 154-172.

Fischer, Pamela: Ethics in Qualitative Research: 'Vulnerability', Citizenship and Human Rights. In: Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (1), 2012, pp. 2-17.


Gandesha, Samir: Homeless Philosophy: The Exile of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Exile in Arendt and Adorno, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 247-280.

Gantschow, Alexander: Von der Selbstsorge zur Sorge um die Welt – Hannah Arendts Umwendung existenzphilosophischen Denkens, in: Karl-Heinz Breier / Alexander Gantschow (Hrsg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung, Baden-Baden 2012, S. 95-115.

GAO, Ji-hai: The Love between Heidegger and Arendt. In: Journal of Henan University (Social Science), 2012, Issue 1, pp. 100-106.

GAO, Ming: Study on Kant's Thought of Radical Evil - Concurrent Discussion on Hannah Arendt's Development of Doctrine of Radical Evil. In: Wenzhou daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2012, 6.

Geisen, Thomas: Arbeit in der Moderne. Ein dialogue imaginaire zwischen Karl Marx und Hannah Arendt, Wiesbaden 2012.

Gilgen, Peter: Plurality without Harmony: On Hannah Arendt's Kantianism, in: The philosophical Forum, Bd. 43, 2012, 3, pp. 259-276.

Godino, Héctor: El totalitarismo de Hannah Arendt en la perspectiva del fenomeno saturado. Princípios (2012), 18 (30): 341-374.

Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012.

Goldoni, Marco / Chris McCorkindale: The Role of the Supreme Court in Arendt’s Political Constitution, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 117-132.

Goldstein, Jürgen: Perspektiven des politischen Denkens. Sechs Portraits (Hannah Arendt, Dolf Sternberger, John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor), Weilerswist 2012.

Gómez Ramos, Antonio: Política sin medios y violencia sin fines: Hannah Arendt y Walter Benjamin sobre la violencia, in: Cuaderno gris, , Nº. 10, 2012 (Ejemplar dedicado a: HISTORIA Y CATÁSTROFE / coord. por Julio A. Pardos Martínez), págs. 187-206.

Gündogdu, Ayten: 'Perplexities of the rights of man'. Arendt on the Aporias of Human Rights, in: European Journal of Politcal Theory, Bd. 11, 2012, 1, S. 4-25.


Hart, Mechtild: Laboring an Hanging Out in the Emodied In-Between, in:Hypatia 27, 2012.

Hartouni, Valerie: Visualizing atrocity: Arendt, evil, and the optics of thoughtlessness, New York 2012.

Hayden, Matthew J.: Arendt and cosmopolitanism: the human conditions of cosmopolitan teacher education, in: Ethics & Global Politics, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2012, pp. 239-258.

Henric, Jacques: Livres - Hannah Arendt relecture en période critique, in: Art press, 2012, 391, p. 72-74.

Heuer, Wolfgang: Narrativität und Bildlichkeit des politischen Handelns, in: Karl-Heinz Breier / Alexander Gantschow (Hrsg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung, Baden-Baden 2012, S. 253-278.

Heuer, Wolfgang: La acción política según Arendt como un esbozo de imagénes, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 161-174.

Heuer, Wolfgang: Política y coraje cívico, in: Laura Quintana, Julio Vargas (eds.): Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria, Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia 2012, p. 17-33.

Heuer, Wolfgang: Ways of Narrating Memory: Hannah Arendt’s "Eichmann in Jerusalem" and Steven Spielberg’s "Schindler’s List", in: Revista Direito e Práxis, Vol. 4, No 1 (2012), pp. 184-199.

Heuer, Wolfgang: When Telling the Truth Demands Courage, in: HA - The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, 2012, 81-95.

Hilb, Claudia: ¿Cómo fundar una comunidad después del crimen? Una reflexión sobre el carácter político del perdón y la reconciliación a la luz de los Juicios a las Juntas en Argentina y de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación en Sudáfrica, in: Laura Quintana, Julio Vargas (eds.): Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria, Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia 2012, p. 131-151.

Hilb, Claudia: Justicia, Reconciliación, Perdón: ¿Cómo fundar una comunidad después del crimen? En: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 191-205.

Hiruta, Kei: Under Weber's Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre by Keith Breen. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.

Hoffmann, Florian: Facing the Abyss: International Law Before the Political, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 173-190.

Holland-Cunz, Barbara: Gefährdete Freiheit. Über Hannah Arendt und Simone de Beauvoir, Budrich 2012.

Hollendung, Anna: The Power of the Public. A Phenomenological Approach on Recent Historical Events. In: OBSERVER: A Journal on threatened Human Rights Defenders in the Philippines, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2012, p. 20.

Horowitz, Irving Louis: Hannah Arendt: Radical Conservative, Transaction Publishers 2012 (Dt.: Hannah Arendt - Eine Radikal-Konservative, Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt 2012).

Horowitz, Irving Louis: Hannah Arendt: Radical Conservative, New Jersey 2012.

Hunziker, Paula: Avatares de la crítica: Hannah Arendt lectora de la ‚generación del frente’, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 73-87.


Ilivitzky, Matías Esteban: Orígenes de la biopolítica: tensiones entre Foucault y Arendt, in: Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de filosofía, política y humanidades, Nº 27, 2012, págs. 24-41


Judaken, Jonathan: Blindness and Insight: The Conceptual Jew in Adorno and Arendt’s Post-Holocaust Reflections on the Antisemitic Question, in: Rensmann, Lars / Samir Gandesha (Eds.): Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations, Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 173-196.

Junger, Anne / Gisela Riescher: Das Soziale bei Hannah Arendt, in: Karl-Heinz Breier / Alexander Gantschow (Hrsg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung, Baden-Baden 2012, S. 219-252.


Kang, Taran: Origin and Essence: The Problem of History in Hannah Arendt, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Volume 74, Number 1, January 2013, pp. 139-160.

Kattagom, Siobhan: How Common is our Common World: Hannah Arendt and the Rise of the Social, in: Problemos, 81, 2012, pp. 98-108.

Keedus, Liisi: Liberalism and the Question of "The Proud": Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss as Readers of Hobbes, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Bd. 73, 2012, 2, pp. 319-342.

Kelz, Rosine: Ethics and the Politics of Writing in Hannah Arendt - Edited by Anna Yeatman, Phillip Hansen, Magdalene Zolkos and Charles Barbour, in: Political Studies Review, Bd. 10, 2012, 3, pp. 407-408.

Kerwin, Ann: Beyond the banality of evil: conscience, imagination and responsibility. In: The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31, no. 5, 2012, pp.  502-514.

Kesby, Alison: The Right to Have Rights: Citizenship, Humanity, and International Law, Oxford 2012.

Kettler, David: Arendt on Mannheim. The Hannah Arendt Collection at Bard College

Kettner, Fabian: Die Herrschaft des Niemand: Hannah Arendts Konzept anonymer Herrschaft und seine Folgen, in: Ingo Elbe/Sven Ellmers/Jan Eufinger (Hg.): Anonyme Herrschaft. Zur Struktur moderner Machtverhältnisse. Eigentum, Gesellschaftsvertrag, Staat III, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 2012, S. 280-295.

Klabbers, Jan: Hannah Arendt and the Languages of Global Governance, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 229-248.

Kohn, Jerome: Arendt’s Eichmann: Murderer, Idealist, Clown, in: HA - The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, 2012, 96-108.

Kovács, Gábor: H. Arendt‘s Interpretation of Natural and Artificial in the Political Phenomenology of The Human Condition, in: Limes: Borderland Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2012, pp. 93-102.

Koyama, Hanako: Freedom and Power in the Thought of Hannah Arendt: Civil Disobedience and the Politics of Theatre, in: Theoria 59 (133), 2012, 70-80.

Kuchler, Daniel: Die dialogisch konstituierte Polis und das Problem der Gerechtigkeit. Ein Kommentar zu Arendts Kritik an Platons Politeia. In: Matthias Lemke (Hg.): Die gerechte Stadt. Politische Gestaltbarkeit verdichteter Räume (Staatsdiskurse Band 20), Stuttgart 2012.


La Porta, Lelio: Luxemburg-Arendt: consonanze e dissonanze, in: Critica marxista, Bd. 50, 2012, 2, p. 118-119.

Lechte, John; Saul Newman: Agamben, Arendt and human rights: Bearing witness to the human, in: European Journal of Social Theory, first published on January 11, 2012.

Leibovici, Martine: ¿Leer Arendt para derivar de allí una norma del juicio político? Judith Butler y Seyla Benhabib con respecto al conflicto palestino-israelí, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012., págs. 119-134.

LI, Juan: Revolution and construction of political free space - on Arendt's political ontology. In: Zhongnan daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2012, 6.

LI, Xiaoyong: On Arendt’s “Banality of Evil”. In: Journal of Yanbian University (Social Science Edition), 2012, Issue 1, pp. 5-11.

Liska, Vivian: A Lawless Legacy: Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 89-98.

LIU, Yi-ming: Arendt's View on the Russian Revolution Based on Her "On Revolution". In:  Journal of Shenzhen University (Humanities & Social Sciences) 2012, Issue 1, pp. 92-95.

LONG, Jiajie: Reflection on Two Paradigms of Human Inherent Activities:Labor (sic) and Action. In: Hunan daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2012, 3.

López Merino, María José: La historia secreta de las revoluciones, in: Astrolabio. Revista internacional de filosofía. Año 2012, núm. 13,vpp. 265-273.

Ludz, Ursula: Nur ein Bericht? Hannah Arendt und ihr Eichmann-Buch, in: Interessen um Eichmann: israelische Justiz, deutsche Strafverfolgung und alte Kameradschaften, Werner Renz (Hg.), Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Campus-Verl. 2012, S. 259-288.

Lupton, Julia Reinhard: Arendt in Italy. Or, the Taming of the Shrew, in: Law Culture and the Humanities, Bd. 8, 2012, 1, pp. 68-84.


Magun, Artemy: Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt on the Jewish question: political theology as a critique, in: Continental Philosophical Review, 2012, 45, pp. 545–568.

Mahrdt, Helgard: Hannah Arendt: Self-disclosure, Worldliness and Plurality, in: British Society for Phenomenology, Bd. 43, 2012, 3, pp. 250-263.

Maslin, Kimberly: The Gender-Neutral Feminism of Hannah Arendt. In:Hypatia 28 (1), 2012.

McCarthy, Michael H.: The Political Humanism of Hannah Arendt, Lanham 2012.

McCorkindale, Christopher; Goldoni, Marco (ed.): Hannah Arendt and the law, Oxford Portland 2012.

Mattio, Eduardo: No se nace igual; se llega a serlo ... Arendt, Butler y el ’derecho a tener derechos’, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 135-143.

Malulu Lock S.J, Gauthier: La coexistence humaine et la participation politique du citoyen: Une réévaluation de l'espace politique avec Hannah Arendt, Saarbrücken 2012.

Mantagila Musadila, Léon: Hannah Arendt et la faculté de juger: Un éclairage pour le cinquantenaire des indépendances en Afrique, Paris 2012.

Marso, Lori J.: Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt. Judgments in Dark Times, in: Political Theory, Bd. 40, 2012, 2, pp. 164-195.

Mattio, Eduardo: No se nace igual; se llega a serlo ... Arendt, Butler y el ’derecho a tener derechos’, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 135-143.

Maxwell, Lida: Toward an agonistic understanding of law: Law and politics in Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, in: Contemporary Political Theory, Volume 11, Number 1, February 2012 , pp. 88-108.

Mei Pan, Lin: Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology of Human Rights (Chinese Edition), Jiangsu Peoples Publishing House 2012.

Meints, Waltraud: Reflektierende Urteilskraft als Ethos der Macht – eine Annäherung an einen emanziaptorischen Begriff von Macht, in: Karl-Heinz Breier / Alexander Gantschow (Hrsg.): Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung, Baden-Baden 2012, S. 119-136.

Mönig, Julia-Maria: Possibly Preventing Catastrophes: Hannah Arendt on Democracy, Education and Judging, in: Ethics and Education, Volume 7, Issue 3, pages 237-249.

Mueller, Monica: Contrary to Thoughtlessness: Rethinking Practical Wisdom, Lexington Books 2012.

Mundo, Daniel: H. Arendt y M. Heidegger: el pensamineto en épocas desoladas, en: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 89-98.


Newman, Saul, Lechte, John: Agamben, Arendt and human rights: Bearing witness to the human, in: European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 14/4, 2012, pp. 522-536.

Nixon, Jon: Interpretive pedagogies for higher education. Arendt, Berger, Said, Nussbaum, and their legacies, New York 2012.

Noeske: R. Woebs: Die Politische Theorie in der Neuen Musik: Karl Amadeus Hartmann und Hannah Arendt, in: Die Musikforschung, Bd. 65, 2012, 4, S. 414-415.

Norrie, Alan: The Scene and the Crime: Can Critical Realists Talk About Good and Evil? In: Journal of Critical Realism 11 (1), 2012, pp. 76-93.

Novo, Rita M.: Literatura y comprensión. En: Smola, Julia; Bacci, Claudia y Hunziker, Paula (eds.): Lecturas de Arendt. Diálogos con la literatura, la filosofía y la política, Córdoba, Brujas, 2012, págs. 33-45


Oeftering, Tonio: Hannah Arendts Begriff des Politischen als Unterrichtsleitbild der politischen Bildung?, in: Juchler, I. (Hg.): Unterrichtsleitbilder in der politischen Bildung, Schwalbach/Ts. (Wochenschau) 2012, S. 59-70.

Onur, Kara: Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition - By Steve Buckler, in: Political Studies Review, Bd. 10, 2012, 3, pp. 396-398.

Osorio, Felipe Gómez: Hannah Arendt: el Estado, el individuo y la banalidad, Universidad de Medellín, 2012.

Owens, Patricia: Not Life but the World is at stake: Hannah Arendt on Citizenship in the Age of the Social, in: Citizenship Studies, Bd. 16, 2012, 2, pp. 297-308.

Owens, Patricia: ‘How Dangerous it Can Be to Be Innocent’: War and the Law in the Thought of Hannah Arendt , in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 251-270.


Palonen, Kari: The Search for a New Beginning: Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers as Critics of West German Parliamentarism, in: Goldoni, Marco / Christopher McCorkindale (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Law, Oxford 2012, pp. 151-170.

Paredes, Diego: Historia, contingencia y revolución en la crítica de Hannah Arendt a Karl Marx, in: Laura Quintana, Julio Vargas (eds.): Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria, Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia 2012, p. 33-45.

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